Viewing and managing the list of Meetings or Calls

In the top menu Click on Activities/Meetings or Click on Activities/Calls. A list of Meetings or Calls will display. See below. The meetings or calls in black are for future dates. The meetings or calls for today are in orange and meetings or calls for dates past in red.

Suggestion: sort calls by date having the call with the date further into the future listed first. This will list all future calls at the top followed by today’s calls and then the past calls. To sort click on Start Date (circled in red). In the Close column any item with an X (circled in green) is an open item. Closed Meetings or Calls display a dash in this column. If you view a past Meeting or Call (listed in red) with an X it means a past due activity is still open. Click on the past Meeting or Call and close it if it should be closed. If it is still an open item take the action needed to complete the past Meeting or Call and then close it. If the action to close the past Meeting or Call can't be taken now, edit the date to a date in the future so it can be dealt with.