Syncing your Outlook emails and SugarCRM using the Opacus Plugin

The goal of syncing your emails is to have all emails that are sent using Outlook to a Contact that is in the SugarCRM database to have a copy of the email attached to the Contact's history. Also, any email you receive in Outlook will be attached to your history.

The Opacus Plugin is needed to sync the Outlook emails to SugarCRM

Listed below are links to both the 2007 & 2010 versions of the Opacus plug in. There is a free version and an advanced version. (same download – different license for advanced version) The advanced version is $20.00 per year. The free version is fine for most operating envirionments.



Opacus doesn't work with older versions of Outlook. After you download the plug in, you need to request a license from the Opacus website which will be sent to your email. The download also has a complete tutorial, with screen shots, on how to install Opacus.

After the installation is complete, for the setup, fill in the server info you see in the navigation bar when you sign on to your instance of  SugarCRM using a browser.

Use you SugarCRM username and SugarCRM password (Not your Outlook permissions)

Click on Save. Opacus will now sync your emails with SugarCRM.